books and territory / JOURNEYS and PLACES
Diario di due viaggi di Carlo Alberto, nel 1836
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It is a diary about two travels that the King made in 1836: the first one was between the 6th and the 24th of April on the west side of Liguria and to Nice, to gain better knowledge of the country, the public administration and the folk’s feelings. The second one was between the 25th of August and the 5th of September to Vercelli, Novara and Alessandria; he brought solace to the population affected by the cholera.
Le 6 Avril 1836.
En traversant Racconis, je trouvai sur la place le troisième bataillon du 1er régiment de Savoie avec tous les officiers du dépôt; les autorités m’attendaient à la poste, où elles me complimentèrent; le général De Andreis vint aussi faire quelques phrases, lui trouvant une expression de sentiments aussi profonds que ceux qui distinguent un pauvre Lieut.