books and territory / CHARLES ALBERT
Carlo Alberto Inedito. Il diario autografo del re, lettere intime ed altri scritti inediti
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The historian Francesco Salata brings us some unpublished fragments found in Charles Albert’s diary. They tell the reader about certain moments of the King’s life between 1831 and 1841. The first fragment copied by Salata had been written just 7 months after he was appointed King of Sardinia. Through these pages, Charles Albert appears to us as lively and human as anybody can be, and greater. Scattered thoughts and conscious ones produced by a great economist, a Sovereign, but also a man who offers his help to friends, like with the troubled and charming duchess of Berry, intimately tied to Charles Albert.
La Duchesse de Berry arriva à Gênes sous le nom de Comtesse de Sagona dans le mois de Juillet, tandis que j ’y étais; mais, par délicatesse, elle ne me fit point connaître son arrivée. A peine fus-je à Turin, qu’elle m’écrivit pour me confier ses projets, disant qu’elle était venue en Italie se fiant sur mon assistance et espérant tout de moi.