books and territory / CHARLES ALBERT
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Francesco Salata, historian, passionate about the King’s life, copies and comments on a memorial written by Charles Albert in the very Racconigi Castle, August 1839. The sovereign gives his point of view on the episodes of March 1821, those who inspired the famous poem by Alessandro Manzoni. The facts are transcribed in a chronological order and some of the protagonists of the “revolution” appear in them: for instance, Cesare Balbo, exiled in Camerano by order of the King, who was then still Prince of Carignano.
Charles Albert’s great intimate and religious conflicts emerge from these pages. He was only twenty-two when he had to take important decisions for his future and for his kingdom. Those decisions marked his entire life.
Ecco trascorsi dieciott’anni dacché si sono svolti gli avvenimenti dell’anno 1821; debbo credere che da quel tempo si siano smorzate le passioni e che la verità abbia potuto penetrare in mezzo alle calunnie d’ogni specie che furono generate dallo spirito di parte, dagli interessi privati e dall’amor proprio urtato; devo sperare che un giudizio, secondo
lo spirito del Signore, avr. rimpiazzato le erronee opinioni.