books and territory / HOUSE of SAVOY
Da S. Quintino ad Oporto ossia gli Eroi di Casa Savoia. Volume primo
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Being a brilliant historian and expert on the Savoy dynasty, from 1852 Pietro Corelli (author of La Stella d’Italia) commits to the creation of a four volumes masterpiece about the histories of the great Savoy sovereigns.
The first tome, written as a historical novel, is dedicated to Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy. The narration starts in 1555 in Madrid Royal Palace, where Charles V welcomes Emmanuel Philibert and introduces him to the Spanish court. The story develops between the French court and the English one.
A whole chapter is devoted to the famous battle of St. Quentin, where there was a French stronghold that prevented the Spanish army to advance towards Paris. The French were soundly defeated by the Spanish army, leaded by the young captain Emmanuel Philibert.
All’annunzio dell’arrivo dell’eroe Piemontese, che levava sì alto grido di sè per l’Europa, tutti si voltarono immantinente verso la porta della gran sala.
Compariva, Emanuele Filiberto. — La foggia del suo vestire semplice e severa, contrastava coll’abbigliamento sfarzoso e contesto d’oro di quei Grandi. Era intorno ai trent’anni: di aspetto altero e melanconico: di giusta statura; ben tagliato della persona nella quale splendeva una guerriera maestà: grazioso lo sguardo , ma penetrativo: ardito e disinvolto negli atti, ma urbano ed affabile.