Books and territory / Satire and customs
Torino incipriata e romantica. Con disegni di Carlo Nicco
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Pictures, sounds and colors from Turin between the 1800s and the beginning of the 1900s. Luigi Collino is a witty observer that brings the reader to the discovery of the symbolic places of the city: its bell towers, its squares, even the light from its lampposts. In Turin’s salons the talk is the most various, from politics to poetry, they are real “chat factories”. Charles Albert himself, who frequently attended the salons, was pleased to compose poems and comedies. The author also tells us about the meeting between Emmanuel II and Mary Chlotilde in Racconigi, where it was decided the marriage for political reason of the young princess with Jerome Bonaparte.
Maria Clotilde guardò negli occhi il padre, che pur approvando taceva; gli si gettò al collo e, vedendo una lacrima brillare fra le ciglia regali, ruppe in un grido: — Sarò dunque infelice?
Intuizione profetica del proprio avvenire. Mentre il matrimonio veniva deciso a Racconigi, più fra le lacrime che fra i sorrisi, il principe Gerolamo se la spassava allegramente a Meudon con una sua amante cortigiana, Adele Deliou…