Books and territory / Water and silk
Trattato delle Regie Terme Aquesi di Vincenzo Malacarne saluzzese
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The Trattato delle Regie Terme Aquesi is published in 1778. Vincenzo Malacarne, an anatomist and surgeon from Saluzzo, wrote it. He dedicates the essay to his colleague, the surgeon Casimiro Anino. In 1774 the city of Acqui Terme offered to Vincenzo Malacarne a job as surgery professor; some time after, the doctor achieves quite a success, becoming head of the hospital and director of the thermal baths. Acqui beach and thermal resort is close to the river Bormida, under mount Stregone, and only soldiers can access it, as Malacarne confirms in his Trattato. Since Malacarne had to assist sick soldiers sent to Acqui to be cured with thermal waters, he gets passionate about the subject and analyzes the chemical composition of the waters. He then publishes the results, explaining how to employ thermal waters and their healing properties.
Non mancavano alle Terme Aquesi scrittori degli scorsi secoli che ne avessero divulgate le virtù, e procurato a norma delle cognizioni di que’ tempi d’additare in quella maniera, che loro fu possibile, l’ indole di quelle Acque, e di quelli Fanghi.