Books and territory / Childhood
Principi a scuola
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Ugo Oxilia directed the Library of the economic Society in Chiavari, one of the most ancient in Liguria. In this book, he describes Victor Emmanuel I and his brother Ferdinand Duke of Genoa’s education that takes place in various royal residences, where the two princes lived from time to time. The two princes grow up lively, “raconigicissimi” (fond of Racconigi), as they say of themselves. Their caring mother, Mary Therese, watches over their education together with the King Charles Albert, who finds time for them between his duties as a sovereign and his many travels throughout Savoy and Europe.
della Sacra Real Maestà Vostra
Gl’Umilissimi, Devotissimi, Ossequiosissimi, Obbedientissimi,
Affezionatissimi, Obbligatissimi,
Amantissimi, Tenerissimi, Fedelissimi, Speranzosissimi,
Riconoscentissimi, Loquacissimi,
Seccantissimi, Insistentissimi, Importunissimi,
Noiosissimi, Molestissimi, Cattivissimi, Temerarissimi,
Zelantissimi, Gratissimi, Racconigissimi,
AntimoncalierissimiVittorio e Ferdinando di Savoia