Books and territory / Water and silk

Delle Acque termali di Vinadio usate in bevanda, bagno, doccia, stufa, fango, muffe, ec.. Commentario


Gioanni Antonio Marino

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Doctor Gioanni Antonio Marino, chief of medicine in SS. Annunziata hospital in Savigliano, took a great interest in the healing properties of Vinadio’s thermal waters that had already been studied since the XVI century. The doctor analyzes the benefits and the damages that may come from the employ or abuse of these mineral waters. Vinadio thermal baths include eight sources of hot and mineral water, plus other smaller sources.
The essay tells the reader about “bath establishments”: houses that hosted those who visited the thermal baths. In his book, Marino describes with lot of details Vinadio most ancient “establishment”, built by Gian Giacomo Giavelli, Medicine professor at the University of Turin. The frequent overflows of the river destroyed the previous establishments because they had been built too close to the river bank.

Dono della Provvidenza Divina sono quelle salutifere Acque, a tanti mali gratuito, efficace, e dolce rimedio, celebrato dalle penne d’ insigni Scrittori, e molto più ancora da’ suoi stessi prodigiosi effetti.

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