The library

Racconigi Castle library: a little mahogany study

Charles Albert’s personal library is on the first floor of the Castle. It is a small and precious mahogany study created by Gabriele Capello and based on Pelagio Pelagi’s project, the architect of the court.

The books are kept on high shelves and they are catalogued according to their different subjects: France, Piedmont, Dictionaries – Encyclopedias, Bibliothèque des Romans; these are just few of the contents that tell the visitor about Charles Albert and his successors’ interest in reading.

The reading room in Racconigi Castle

From the shelves to the screens. Charles Albert’s library, which can be visited inside Racconigi Castle, gains new life through an innovative space: the Reading Room. This space ideally links the library shelves to the tablet screens. Here, just by clicking, the visitor may access a digital selection of the most interesting books. And it is not over: the books are also the starting point from which itineraries and suggestions depart, for experiential visits in the Castle and in the whole region.

Charles Albert’s library project

Thanks to the “Charles Albert Library” project created by Terre di Savoia and funded by the Compagnia di San Paolo , this intimate and private place lives again through some valuable books that have been digitized for the first time. They lead the visitor to the discovery of the different thematic itineraries. After a careful and meticulous classification, a digital catalogue was created and made available inside the website. It is a new way to travel through the moments that made up the private and public life of a King.

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